Phoebe Gresford GradDipConservation (AA) AA Dip B Arch ARB

Phoebe joined Nick Cox Architects in 2022 and works on a range of projects focusing on, but not limited to conservation works. Phoebe’s projects include the Re-roofing of the Orangery, Kitchen and Flagstaff at Blenheim Palace, Re-roofing and repair works at Sezincote and Repairs and conversion works at The Old Rectory, Lamport.

In previous architectural firms she has worked on significant Grade 1 Listed properties, working closely with various client, communities and hertiage bodies alongside key consultants. Her interest not only lies in diagnostic surveying and solutions, but also managing a property to survive and adapt for the future, whether this be within wider community involvement or fabric alterations.

During her Conservation Diploma at the AA Phoebe focused upon repais to timber structures, particularly focusing on the impact of resin repairs. Phoebe has actively continued to engage with timber conservation as a member of the ICOMOS UK Wood Committee. The interest not only lies with specification and understanding of structures, but she also has a passion for hands-on understanding with various experiences with conservation carpentry.

Phoebe has taught Architecture, Technology and Interior Architecture at University of East London and Oxford Brookes University over a period of 8 years.