Projects - Ecclesiastical

St Mary’s Church, Banbury - Quinquennial Inspection and Repair

NCA were appointed to carry out the Quinquennial Inspection report of the Grade I listed church in the center of Banbury. The church was designed by S.P. Cockerell in the 1790’s, with tower and portico added by C.R. Cockerell in 1820’s.  The apsidal end was created by A. Blomfield in the 1860’s.

NCA prepared supporting documents and acted as lead consultant and Contract Administrator for the successful Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme for repairs to the vestry roof. NCA are currently involved with project development relating to external roof, masonry repairs and conservation of wall paintings and have prepared supporting documentation for a successful grant application.



Roof before works

Roof structure before works

During works 

On Completion